2020 Heartbreak Lessons

So my friend, Rachelle, and I filmed this video last April because we were so bored on our days off during pandemic. We also listened to a lot of Boiling Waters podcast on Spotify, so it inspired us to “have our own podcast” with a goal to influence and inspire others :)) The topic on lessons from heartbreaks was weighing on us last year, so we decided to set up a Youtube channel and talk about it on our pilot episode (it’s still a pilot episode right now because we didn’t have any other videos after that haha). Obviously, we just winged the whole thing hahaha. No practice and all—just spontaneous conversations while having lots of fun (I think we didn’t have shower that time either lol). To be honest, I want to re-do this whole video because we’ve had more lessons to share since we filmed this (and our thoughts were so disorganized on this video haha). But anyway, we never published this video on our social media (except just snippets of this vid that were shared on our Instagram stories). Surprisingly, I had a few people following me on Instagram who searched the title of this video to view it and liked and subscribed to my channel. 😀 So I guess it’s not that too bad at all, huh! I don’t think I have the courage right now to share this whole video on Facebook, but since I am still warming up with blogging again, I think I’ll just share this in here for the sake of my invisible readers out there 😉

Like I said, our thoughts were so disorganized when we were filming this random video. I’ll just give you a quick summary of the lessons we learned from heartbreaks that we talked about here:

  1. Don’t find validation from other people or your love life.
  2. Don’t make relationship or marriage an idol.
  3. Don’t marry the person in your heart.
  4. Pursue clarity more than intimacy.
  5. Don’t lose yourself for the wrong person.
  6. Find your core and know your worth.
  7. Pursue personal development.
  8. Don’t boost your ego and put the person who hurt you down.
  9. Recognize that you’re bitter and face your bitterness in order to be better.
  10. Learn to forgive not only the other person but also yourself.
  11. Trust that God is holding the wheel of your love life and your entire life.
  12. Remember the Master, Mission, Mate principle: Jesus Christ should be his Master and his Mission is to glorify and proclaim Jesus– this will drive his motivation and decision-making as he finds a mate.

I apologize for my disorganized thoughts. I usually just write and publish my posts. haha. Have a good day! Tell me what you think about this. 🙂


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